Work With It

Many of my friends are moving into their first homes these days, and that means dealing with those somewhat "unsightly" reminders of the past like bad linoleum and fluorescent lighting. Many of these features are a definite must-fix, but some of them can actually have great character with a little creative vision. Take this room for example...

I have seen many houses in my day with these windows, and most of them would probably have been ripped out with a remodel. But with a little imagination...

The room was brightened and opened up enough that the windows actually make a statement - instead of being an eyesore, they become a focal point. An all-white palette obviously helps the situation, as do the clean lines and modern feel.

Another great example of working with the past...

What often saves a modern space from looking like a dated mid-century home is lightning things up a bit. (No avacodo green carpet in this room!) While I do think they could have gone even more eclectic in selecting pieces for the room, I like the touch of glam in the lamp, and the use of mid-century furniture to tie the look together here. The point is - sometimes it pays to work with what you've got. Even if it's just for now.

*before and after via coco cozy, room by piston design via design crisis