Wedding Inspiration: Vintage + Pastels

One of the largest trends we've seen in fashion in the past few years has been the return of the vintage dress. The wedding world is no exception, and I have to say that after seeing this wedding over at Snippet & Ink, it's a trend I can get behind!
I mean, how awesomely fun does this group of ladies look with each of them wearing such unique dresses, pulled together by the tulle shoulder wraps and beautiful bouquets?
I know when I hit the vintage stores in Seattle I always spy some fun 50's style dresses that I would love to have an excuse to wear! There are also some great ones on etsy...
Imagine assigning your maids with the simple task of finding a fun vintage piece in any pastel color they adore... these could all be options.
There's also the option of going for a little vintage inspiration in new dress, like these gorgeous creations from Samuelle. Just look at that detail! So dreamy.

And for the bride? Well, of course, there's always white. But, I might just have to suggest this amazing yellow gown to top things off...

While it would certainly take the right personality to pull this whole look off, I do think it's such a fun idea - and probably much more affordable than most wedding and bridesmaid dresses! What do you think? Could you handle it?

*etsy dresses clockwise from left: here, here, here and here