Gorgeous, Glamorous Gadabout

For a gal who is completely addicted to notecards, I sure haven't been blogging about them much lately! So, allow to me to share one of my new favorite finds - Gadabout. The designs are so chic, and completely customizable...
Perfect little cards for an interior designer, don't you think? I would love writing little thank you notes to my clients on these!
For the fashionista - why not a little design of you in your favorite ensemble? Oh sweet vanity. Don't you love the little addition of color, and the subtle monogram?I especially love the idea of capturing some favorite jewelry pieces. How personal! For more designs, check out Hanna's blog which is where she currently sells her pieces. I love the way she describes her work...

"My prints are a collection of what I've found and what I'd like to find. They are glances of where I've been and where I hope to go. They are familiar and foreign, eclectic and classic. But, most of all they speak of the life of a Gadabout, a traveler, an aimless pleasure seeker, and the first one to know that a hand written note should always follow."