Hey Ya'll..!

Just a little update from North Carolina where I've had an amazing (and long!) day in the factories of Hickory Chair. The people, culture, techniques, philosophies and (of course) the furniture here is amazing. I will share MUCH more with you next week when I'm back in Seattle and able to download my photos (bad blogger, forgot her camera cord!). Luckily, Franki is much better at uploading the pics from her iphone... (i still have early morning sleepy eyes...)

How cute is this gal? We've been having a blast getting to know each other and talking blogging. Oh, you wanted furniture pics?

How's that for furniture? Just a taste, because tomorrow we hit the showroom. It's going to be A.MAZ.ING! Check out more on Life In A Venti Cup, and if you're a Twitter junkie, be sure to follow Franki's tweets live from the tour!