Happy (Wedding) Weekend!

Remember when I said I hadn't found a grey wedding dress worthy of walking down the aisle in...?
Done! (It's Givenchy.) And of course, with the fabulous photography and stylings of Tim Walker, this was the only image acceptable for kicking of the first wedding of my very long wedding season (SEVEN WEDDINGS PEOPLE!). Does anyone else think that Giles Deacon is channeling a little Barney Stinson?

Congratulations to my good friend, and amazing Portland wedding planner, Nora and her husband-to-be, Tyler. I promise to take lots of pictures and share them after style (e)scapes week, which kicks off Monday with some fabulous closets, wardrobe tips, and some goodies.

Here's a little more inspiration for a Friday afternoon. This week, I guested on...

*1. La Boudouir, where Stacy put together my "Do or Die" List: 10 things I cannot live without.
*2. Anne and I translated spring runway looks to chic tabletops over on Perfect Bound.
*3. And, the last installment for the Through Her Eyes series at Layers of Meaning is up - see what happens when I hit shuffle on my itunes!

Finally... our winner for the TUSK bag giveaway has not revealed herself!! Today is the last day for LV to claim her prize... or a new name will be drawn! Stay tuned... and have a fantastic weekend!
