Domino Keeps Stealing All My Awesome Ideas

Just when I think I'm being fun and original, Domino steals another idea out of my head.

The infamous Marie Antoinette - possibly the most blogged about movie amongst us decor crazies.

A few weeks back I asked readers to tell me what their favorite movies were for visual inspiration. My secret plan? Start watching them all immediately and do some posts on turning gorgeous sets and styling into gorgeous rooms.

Great Expectations (1998) - the next movie on my Netflix list.

DOMINO BEAT ME TO IT! As Loving/Living/Small already noted on her blog right here...

They turned the look and feel of the classic The Graduate into this updated light filled room. I actually really love it.

Is there such a thing as Domino spyware? Hmmm... Stay tuned and we'll see if I can come up with an inspired room half as good as this one!