Flickr Fetish

It's official. I'm addicted. I can't seem to find enough inspiration these days, and flickr is feeding my need. Photography can be so intimate... it might just be my favorite art form because of the way it captures real moments. Which is probably why this series I stumbled upon today from my polaroid blog completely moved me.

The series started with a self portrait Jen took of herself, and scribbled on because she wasn't liking her face that day (yes, we've all had those days and moments!). But the scribbling didn't stop there...

Jen took her sharpie to rejected (and not so rejected) polaroids that she had been storing up, and the result is this amazing set that she has posted up on flickr.

This appeals to me on so many levels. It's therapy, it's emotion, it's insight, it's real. I love it.

All together now: *sigh*... Beautiful work Jen. You can read the whole story on her blog, and be sure to check out her flickr photos as well.