No Pain, No Gain?

I am a self-admitted shoe...addict may be the docile way to describe it. If we're being honest here, I'm really a shoe whore. I'm a total sucker for any hot, fun, cute, sexy, high, patent, flat, canvas, heel, pump, wedge that comes my way. They call out to me. I must have them. I'm going away for the weekend and I'm bringing no less than 7 pairs of shoes with me. And I have no shame in that. A girl's gotta be prepared.

Then my sister sent me an email of shoes that are apparently all the rage in Japan.

I guess these are going for something in the middle of sex kitten and prima ballerina?

I will go far for fashion but this pushes things a little over the edge even for me. I'm curious, what kinds of discomfort have you endured in the name of lookin' good?