Dark Thoughts and Bright Ideas

I need to pick my next renovation project. Without a focus I'm so easily distracted!

Perhaps inspired by a weekend of nothing but velvety sand beneath my feet I suddenly care about what I'm walking on, so today, I'm all about floors.

Mine are currently a plain, but nice, orange-ish wood of an unknown variety.

They appear pretty in the photo, but in actuality have a fair amount of damage and are in need of some serious TLC. Or, I could simply take my floors in a completely different direction, i.e. out the door.

Right now, I am loving the yin+yang combo of white walls and dark floors.

via marie claire maison

The sleek sheen is repeated in the wood stool and leather chair in this Parisian apartment, while the rest of the white pops.

The stark contrast of dark floors and light cabinetry adds drama to what would otherwise be a rather benign kitchen.

And what woman doesn't need a little drama in her life?