Wear Palettes

As a girl obsessed with the crossover between fashion and interiors, I think I may have found a blog that satisfies me on OHHHhhhh so many levels. (Yeah, it's that good.)

wear palettes takes the gorgeous photos captured by the sartorialist, and creates a palette of colors suitable for LOTS of decor inspiration. For example...

This lovely little ensemble is translated into a color palette that is basically the inspiration for my bedroom (with a bit more shades of grey mixed in). Make it into a room? Ok... how about this?

This room was one of the original inspirations for my bedroom in the first place! How perfect is that? Would you necessarily have paired that outfit with this room though? Not really... but it's kinda freakin' genius. Here's my current fave...

Loving the bright colors of the scarf paired with a simple white top and skirt. Beautiful.