Thank God For My Couch...

Yesterday, I came home sick from work and promptly snuggled myself onto my couch, under my favorite Pottery Barn blanket, and surrounded by my ridiculous pile of pillows. I have to say, had I come home to the couch I had two weeks ago... I think my recovery time would have been considerably longer. (Think dirty cream leathery grossness from college couch).

Instead, my friends, I came home to this beauty...

My first official grown up couch. Super soft, love the tufting, yummy pumice colored couch. I got it from Empiric just before I left my job there, and feel SO lucky to have a custom made sofa to call my own. So while I'm at it, I'll just tell you, go read Annie's blog post from today. She is one of the co-owners of Empiric, an incredible woman, and her love for love makes her a girl after my own heart.

Now heading back to my couch to kick this flu...