It's Official! Our First LA Bloggers Meetup

Well, I have to give a BIG thanks to Dean of my little apartment for her genius idea of having our first blogger meetup be centered around a home tour with a cause!

After posting about wanting to get together will all my fellow LA bloggers, Dean and and Laure (of At Home At Home) both offered to help put something together. When Laure posted on the Neutra VDL house tour going on in Silverlake, Dean jumped on the idea, and the rest is history. Here's the scoop!

Saturday, June 21st
(exact time TBD)

Neutra VDL Research House
2300 Silver Lake Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90039

We'll meet-up at the Neutra house and take simultaneous tours in small groups starting at different locations on the property. Afterwards we can go for lunch or happy hour somewhere in the Silverlake area. Suggestions welcome!

$10 admission fee* (cash only)
a camera (because we KNOW you'll blog about it later!)
money for the 'after party'
your sweet little self


For more background on the house you can visit their website, or check out Suzanne's awesome little post on Simply Magic - she's so on top of it!