Repeat Performance: Emery & Cie

A few months ago I stumbled upon some gorgeous images from the international design studio at this website, and bookmarked them for future reference...

Big surprise - it was the green that really drew me in. Then recently, I found other bloggers posting on images I hadn't even seen yet. Studio Annetta posted on their beautiful tiles. Brocade Design on their wallpaper (seen above).

So I decided to dig a little deeper into their site to see what exactly it is they made. The answer? Pretty much everything. The chair in the photos above, to start - as well as the paint colors on them.

Stunning tiles as well as the quirky deer head hardware fixture and sink. (Don't you love the scaled tiles to the right?)

And beautifully crafted tableware. Not to mention the gorgeous photos throughout the site. So, even though this may be a repeat performance for some of you... if you haven't browsed through their entire catalog, it's worth a visit for even more inspiration.