Thank God For Fridays... And Little Things...

T.G.I.F. people. This marks my first real week of work at my new job. As tired as I am (6am alarm clocks, 1 hour commute at the end of the day... ) I am also really energized by jumping into a new and creative environment. I'm really loving it!

I'm also remembering how important it is to take time during the day to relax, be quiet, step away from the laptop (not an easy one for me) and appreciate the little things. So, from now on, I'm going to try to post something personal every Friday that makes me smile, that I'm thankful for, or that inspires me. The rule is it has to be something I've experienced, that exists in my world, or that I interact with... we'll call it... Friday Little Things.

This week I took a photo of part of my bulletin board. Each little piece is something I love. The quote inspires me daily. The glittery dream sign speaks for itself. On the right is part of a photo of me and my BF Erin who is beautiful and smart and amazing, and I miss her every day. Behind the quote is a postcard from Italy of the Santa Maria Novella church in Florence where I studied abroad for a summer in college. My window looked out at the Piazza Santa Maria Novella. To the left is a photo booth strip from a few weeks ago with me and my friend Eric, who just told me he is moving to Miami... like next week. Sad! I'm going to miss him ... :( As you can tell, we have some serious good times together. And I love photo booths. So there you go. Little things to love. If you feel like joining in on the inspiration, feel free to send me an email and photo (with a nice little explanation) and join in on the warm fuzzies. I'd love to see what it is in your day to day life that makes you smile.