Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Girl Time

Admittedly, I am not the girliest girl I know (that title is reserved for Lyndsy over at Yellow Brick Blog), but I do have my moments. And lately, I've been feelin' the girly side of me come out. Haven't been watching as much ESPN. Letting myself get stupid about boys. Decorating with pink. And, falling in love with these pretty baubles from jewelry designer Wendy Gell.

Wendy creates all sorts of jewelry but her wristies, as she calls them (how cute is that?), are my favorites. They're absolutely ridiculous and over-the-top. The one above might be the most tame design she has. Other pieces exhibit large Disney characters, overloads of bling, and small figurines. My other fave is this one...

I mean, if that's not girly, I don't know what is. And, you know what? I would ROCK that barbie wristie right on my tan little arm. Talk about an easy way to fancy up a simple ensemble. Add it to the wish list!