Friday Little Things: SATC & BFF's

I don't exactly have an inspiring photo to accompany this week's little things, so let's just say this: My best friend is coming into town, and the highly blogged about and anticipated SATC is opening today. Woooot! What more does a girl need? Oh, except these AMAZING shoes from miu miu...

And one of these fab dresses to top it off...

left to right: philip lim, alexander wang, and zac posen. available at net-a-porter and shopbop.

I think Carrie would approve! (And she'd probably go with the orange, but my fave is the loose silky violet...)

No Pain, No Gain?

I am a self-admitted shoe...addict may be the docile way to describe it. If we're being honest here, I'm really a shoe whore. I'm a total sucker for any hot, fun, cute, sexy, high, patent, flat, canvas, heel, pump, wedge that comes my way. They call out to me. I must have them. I'm going away for the weekend and I'm bringing no less than 7 pairs of shoes with me. And I have no shame in that. A girl's gotta be prepared.

Then my sister sent me an email of shoes that are apparently all the rage in Japan.

I guess these are going for something in the middle of sex kitten and prima ballerina?

I will go far for fashion but this pushes things a little over the edge even for me. I'm curious, what kinds of discomfort have you endured in the name of lookin' good?

Room of the Week 5.29

(Image via desire to inspire.)

This is what I need right now. Big open light-filled soothing spaces. I'd probably add a gorgeously simple chandelier over the dining table for drama. Take off the tablecloth and do more mismatched chairs. And add a small narrow island in the kitchen. Other than that... I'm pretty much ready to move in.

A Little OT

Forgive me as I go OT (off-topic) today. Btw, I have to thank one of my favorite bloggers, Decorno, for adding OT to my blogger lingo. Anyway, here we go. We'll start with the back story. I'll try to keep this short and sweet.

Tonight I had the pleasure of meeting the writer behind Decorno as well as three other prolific Seattle-based bloggers, Not Martha, Shelteriffic and MirrorMirror at Velocity Art & Design Center's monthly meet-up called The Lab.

Inspired by a series of design meet-ups organized by Grace of Design Sponge, uber talented (and really nice) owner of Velocity, John Tusher, has kept the community gatherings alive at his fabulous store. If you live in the Seattle area, go. Now.

Velocity Art & Design Center in Seattle

Not only did I get to hear insights from some amazingly talented bloggers who I read religiously, but I was also graciously given the opportunity to talk about a really cool event for small business owners that is happening in Seattle on June 11. I think it is so cool in fact that I'm giving away two free tickets!

Did you know that of the 10.4 million women-owned businesses less than 230,000 businesses have achieved $1 million in annual sales? I sure didn't. Or that if more women grew their businesses, they would create over 7 million new jobs? It's seriously amazing. Check out this recent Newsweek article for more scary stats.

If you've ever thought about starting or growing a business and you live in the Northwest, you have a really cool one-time opportunity for some inspiration, know-how, and networking.

On June 11, Make Mine a Million $ Business is holding a day long conference at the Seattle Center Fisher Pavilion.

The program has proven highly effective in other parts of the country in helping woman business owners grow their businesses. Nell Merlino, founder of Take Your Daughters to Work Day as well as the program below, believes that future economic growth in this country will be the result of the success of woman-owned businesses. The June 11 event will provide useful tools on how to grow a business as well as be a terrific networking opportunity.

Here are a few quick facts:

  • Full day event on June 11 at the Seattle Center Fisher Pavilion

  • Cost $75

  • Keynote speaker Governor Chris Gregoire

  • 500 women business-owners from five state region

  • Experts in financing, marketing, technology, business software and insurance inspiring women to grow their businesses

  • Local Sponsors include and The Crave Company

  • Opportunity to win prizes from JetBlue, Dell, The Seattle Storm, Woodland Park Zoo, Experience Music Project, Seattle Art Museum and Pacific Science Center and more

To register for the event click here

But wait, there's more! I am holding a contest!

I have two free tickets for the June 11 Make Mine a Million event to give away. Send me an email between Thursday May 29 and Thursday June 5 and you'll be entered in a drawing for free admission (normally $75!).

I hope you'll spread the word about the event far and wide. And I hope I'll see some of you out there in the blogosphere live and in full effect on June 11!

Color Punch

I just popped over to desire to inspire for (what else) some overdue inspiration and found this...

Kim's amazing revamped office space. The pops of color against very bare white is wonderful. The door might be my favorite part. It makes me want to clean everything out and start fresh in my own home!

I Love...

This white summery ruffly duvet from Brocade Home. Such great texture!

And speaking of ruffles... {this is glamorous} is hosting a little giveaway for this sweet ruffly shower curtain. Pop over to her blog to check it out.

Box Cake with Beautiful Flowers

Box Cake with Beautiful Flowers

Wedding cake with form of box is compiled inter cross is decorated white ribbon and encircled by rose. A sweet view, dinky and funny.

Eliza and Philip Wedding Cake

Eliza and Philipus Wedding Cake

Wedding cake with form of dressy high building of Romawi. Eliza and Philip chooses design to remind them when first time meets.

Wedding Cake Classic And Circular

Wedding Cake Classic And Circular

Wedding cake globularity compiles three, seen beloved, with decoration of flower along the length of the side.

Wedding Cake with Doorstep

Wedding Cake with Doorstep

Wedding cake with design form of empire. Decorated flower, aflame candle and doll a couple of nuptials. Wedding ceremony is performed a luxury and luxuriant meeting house.

Unique Wedding Cake

Unique Wedding Cake

Wedding cake with design on unique. Consisted of three measures. Cake made from cream, brown and fresh fruit.

Botanical Bowls for the Table

Botanicals for the table are no new concept. We usually see them around the fall holidays in the shape of maple leaves, or in the spring featuring a classic cabbage leaf shape. Neither one of those are really my style, but since stumbling upon this photo by photographer Stacey Brandford, I've decided I might like a more clean and modern take on this look.

I love the subtle shades of blues and greens used on this table! And, don't the bowls add a little novelty without going over the top?

Perhaps that's why when I stumbled across these little cuties recently, I had to snatch them up for my etsy shop...

The palest shade of minty green with gold rimming... aren't they lovely? I'm not sure what the holes are for (perhaps for resting utencils in?), but I would use them to tie a bit of ribbon on as a seating card for special occasions.

I love the idea of mixing them with other pieces with gold detailing like these vintage plates (also in my store!), and they're the perfect size for anything from soup to a small summer salad.

Another option...

Keeping with the clean and more modern look, I like this sweet piece from Crate & Barrel as well.

Flickr Fetish

It's official. I'm addicted. I can't seem to find enough inspiration these days, and flickr is feeding my need. Photography can be so intimate... it might just be my favorite art form because of the way it captures real moments. Which is probably why this series I stumbled upon today from my polaroid blog completely moved me.

The series started with a self portrait Jen took of herself, and scribbled on because she wasn't liking her face that day (yes, we've all had those days and moments!). But the scribbling didn't stop there...

Jen took her sharpie to rejected (and not so rejected) polaroids that she had been storing up, and the result is this amazing set that she has posted up on flickr.

This appeals to me on so many levels. It's therapy, it's emotion, it's insight, it's real. I love it.

All together now: *sigh*... Beautiful work Jen. You can read the whole story on her blog, and be sure to check out her flickr photos as well.

I Love Lamp

We all know that I have desk lust.  That perfect little inspirational space - where you can actually stand to sit for over 8 hours a day.

So naturally, I also lust for the perfect desk lamp.  Something to brighten up those gray Seattle days.

How fun would it be to sit under the glimmering light of the Arctic Pear Lamp by Ochre.

Or perhaps you'd like to bring a little color into your day with this conical desk lamp by Arteluce.

If you take things a little more seriously I'd go with this gorgeous Equilibrium Table Lamp by Ralph Lauren Home.  I love its sleek look and architectural feel.
How about something a little unexpected - like a table lamp for the desk.

I'm loving how this Studio Tripod Table Lamp from Neena Lighting maintains the architectural and office-y look.

But my absolute favorite is the Studio Angle Draftsman Lamp.

It has such personality - as if it would turn it's little head to you, smile and say nice work.

Speaking of which - I should probably get back to that now!

Fashionable Friday

Hello dear readers!  I hope there are one or two of you left.  I apologize for leaving you.  Where have I been you might ask?

I started a new job on Wednesday, and needless to say I'm wildly excited, but I'm also figuring out how to manage my new schedule.  Now that I'm actually liking my day job it makes things a little more complicated.  

But have no fear.  I'm spending this weekend measuring my bathroom for new flooring and new tile so I will be back with my renovation headaches and decor dilemmas very shortly.

In the meantime, in an homage to my new colleagues, who are all ridiculously stylish, I present my wardrobe upgrade wish of the week.

From Ann Sui, this hot little number would look great paired with some rockin' pumps, 

like the forever coveted but not yet purchased Louboutins.

Add a few bangles like this gorgeous set of hammered gold by Monica Vinader

and top it all off with a leather clutch with a bit of an edge.  Oh, Jimmy Choo we love you.

I hope you have Friday night worthy of this ensemble!  See you soonly. 

Happy (Long!) Weekend

Leaving you with this lovely colorful image from Maura McEvoy. More cabana stripes and a beachy theme to finish off the week!

I'm loving the strong greens and reds, and the model fits in perfectly with the coloring of the photo - even her dark hair lends to the black in those awesome vintage pendants. Hope you all enjoy the long weekend, and find some inspiration in your days!

Wedding Cake, Plane and People

Wedding Cake, Plane and People

Wedding cake order of a couple of nuptials which all works in Air force. They are meet at the time of military practice in airbase.

Roxannes Wedding Cake Product

Roxannes Wedding Cake Product

Roxannes is peripatetic company is area making of wedding cake which famous. Many people from some circles orders bread wedding. With design which good looking, the price of reached and delicious taste makes Roxannes to become purpose of main the customers.

Friday Little Things...

My grandmother's ring, a childhood bracelet, and a vintage ashtray with gold detail.

I hardly ever wear my diamonds... but they sure do sparkle! I wore my grandmother's ring last week for the wedding I was in, and every time I looked at it, it made me smile. I decided to start keeping it out in this delicate ashtray at my bedside. I love it!

Room of the Week 5.22

Now this is what I call serious inspiration:

I am absolutely swooooning for the amazing use of color in this room by Marjorie Skouras. Traditional shapes with very non-traditional color give this room power and interest. A style I would never be able to live in, or emulate, which is why I admire it so much. In fact, her use of color is extraordinary in many of her rooms... so I'll just have to share some more...

There's so much going on here to love. Adore the fact that they left out the backing in those chairs. Love the lattice floor tile. And the pink walls with that turquoise chandelier? How perfectly girly! PS - the chandelier is featured in the latest issue of Elle Decor...

Made of gorgeous turquoise beads draped in a classic southern style, for the right house it could be worth every $6,900 penny. (If you happen to have that lying around...)

Lastly, I had to post this ridiculous room. If Scarlett O'Hara's daughter had a modern day bedroom, I think it would look like this. And yes, Scarlett made the bedposts out of her old drapes ;) I adore it! It also has that very girly Betsy Johnson vibe, wouldn't you say? Perfect for the garden guesthouse or a little girl!

Seeing Stripes

Maybe it's this season's obsession with all things nautical, the recent warm weather or the fact that I've always loved me a cool beach cabana, but I'm in the mood for some stripes! Here are my top three favorite finds of the moment...

Image via Desire to Inspire.

This patio perfectly captures the mood I'm in right now. A little tropical, a little cabana, and down to earth. Put me in a chaise with a little lemonade and I'm good!

Room by Mary McDonald

Nothing says sunny summer days like a yellow room, and the striped curtain and pillow add just the right touch of cabana. While my style is much less traditional than this, I love the overall scheme.

Photography by Sarah Kaye.

Another billowy striped curtain. *sigh*. And how great does it contrast with the floral print wallpaper?

Here's a few more for good measure! (Sorry the image is so small... it will get bigger with a click!)

From left... 1) Room by Miles Redd, 2) An all-time favorite via Domino, 3) Yellows and neutrals get a pop from striped curtains, via an old House & Garden UK, 4) A very fun and very cabana-esque room from Stephen Shubel, and 5) A soothing seafoam and caramel palette from Robin Karp.

I Need My Smack!

Ummm... does anyone know what happened to Design Smack?

(Both images via past Design Smack posts.)

Last I read on her blog, she was getting pushed to take down images from some of the gorgeous movie sets in one of her posts... and now she's gone! I NEED MY DESIGN DRUG! EM, WHERE'D YOU GO??

Update: Read Emily's comments to get the scoop... our beloved Design Smack is gone for good! But, we'll always have the memories... ;)

It's Official! Our First LA Bloggers Meetup

Well, I have to give a BIG thanks to Dean of my little apartment for her genius idea of having our first blogger meetup be centered around a home tour with a cause!

After posting about wanting to get together will all my fellow LA bloggers, Dean and and Laure (of At Home At Home) both offered to help put something together. When Laure posted on the Neutra VDL house tour going on in Silverlake, Dean jumped on the idea, and the rest is history. Here's the scoop!

Saturday, June 21st
(exact time TBD)

Neutra VDL Research House
2300 Silver Lake Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90039

We'll meet-up at the Neutra house and take simultaneous tours in small groups starting at different locations on the property. Afterwards we can go for lunch or happy hour somewhere in the Silverlake area. Suggestions welcome!

$10 admission fee* (cash only)
a camera (because we KNOW you'll blog about it later!)
money for the 'after party'
your sweet little self


For more background on the house you can visit their website, or check out Suzanne's awesome little post on Simply Magic - she's so on top of it!

I Love...

I know, I know. The Nautical thing is so blogged out. But I love it. I love the ocean, I love the preppy nautical style. I love boys who wear boat shoes and super tan girls in white bikinis lounging on yachts. So when I saw this piece, I kinda fell in love...

The Cape Lodge Chest from Ralph Lauren Home totally appealed to my nautical senses a couple months ago. The combination of brass and polished wood reminds me of the gorgeous sailboats harbored in the Marina that I lust after as I make my way to the pool on the weekend.

And, as a total tangent... this reminds me of a blog I stumbled upon today:

This adorable little houseboat is the property of an amazing blogger and stylist, Pia Jane Bijkerk, who recently revealed some gorgeous before and after shots of her previous home in Paris right here on Design Sponge. Don't you love seeing real spaces and learning about the people who live in them?

If you've never read Pia's blog - check it out. It's absolutely full of inspiration!