for the Bride!

My friend Amy is getting married in Montana in two weeks, and I cannot wait to finally see her. She was my best friend in college, the best roomie ever (same size in everything, and always up for a spontaneous dance party!) and I'm so honored to be one of her bridesmaids.

A few weeks ago she discovered via my blog when I (along with the rest of everyone in the world) posted on the shop opening in the beginning of August. I then proceeded to (accidentally) delete the post. Whoops. So, today, I bring you a very special post instead... because Amy just got her very own gorgeous custom piece from Jen and Jamie... I couldn't be more jealous!

It arrived looking like this:

Perfectly packaged in every way.

And here's Amy looking sooooo happy with her beautiful piece of art!

And, of course, the haiku! (One comes with every order ~ isn't that sweet?)

I can't imagine anything more perfect. Thank you so much to the ladies at for making my Amy so happy!