The Perfection of Styling: Christine Rudolph

Rarely do I find a stylist whose collection is so gorgeous that I want to post every single photo. But, with the talent of Christine Rudolph, you'd want to too.

Last week over at Cup of Jo, the question was posed, "If you could do anything tomorrow, what would you do?". My original answer was to lay on the beach without a laptop or cell phone in sight! Preferably with a cabana boy to bring me anything my little heart desired. And then I stumbled on these photos and thought... scratch that. This is what I'd be doing. For the rest of the week!




A Tuscan Villa, fabulous fresh Italian meals, a pool, a bike ride, and a beautiful view. I mean, really... what more could you want? Not much, if you ask me.

But, of course, Christine's work is so much more extensive than just this, so here are a few more beautiful photos for your enjoyment...

Since we're on the subject of weddings these days:

A how about this fabulous look at these details and the room that houses them:

And, then there's true classic beauty in black and white:

Absolutely gorgeous, don't you think?