You're Invited...

I've never thought of myself as having a wedding that would carry any sort of theme, but as I started building my inspiration board and, especially thinking about my invitations, I realized that having some kind of motif certainly helps (and seems a little inevitable!).

bouquet: martha stewart, invitation:

Any 'theme' worth putting on paper should have a meaning, and the olive branch has always been one of my favorites. Not only does it remind me of Italy, but is a symbol of peace ~ something we would all hope for in a happy marriage!

cake: martha stewart, invitation:, monograms:

A traditionalist at heart, I plan on taking my husband's name, so a monogram has always appealed to me as part of not only an invitation but something that could be carried throughout the wedding decor, and used after the wedding for stationery and engraved pieces.

top invitation:, bottom invitation: via snippet & ink, cups: by cake on

A more recent theme that I fell in love with after seeing these black & white ceramic cups is that of the swallow. I love the symbolism behind them ~ especially the part of being independent, but always returning home. They are a sweet idea for an invitation, and one that I could also see carried throughout the wedding.

So, what do you think? While all of these themes will be carried throughout the wedding, only one will make the cut for the invitation. Which is your favorite?