Down to a Dozen: The Contest Finalists!

First of all, I have to say how impressed, honored and overwhelmed I was by the response to this contest. For many of you, it was your first attempt at an inspiration board, and I love that you were brave enough to dive in and give it a go! All the entries were so unique, thoughtful, and full of personality.

After sorting through nearly 90 entries (!), I have finally (yes it took me hours) narrowed it down to these twelve finalists. I took into consideration a few things when making my final decisions including creativity & originality, composition, and (of course) how well the room was translated into the wedding itself.

SO! Every day for the rest of the week I will post three boards from the finalists and tell you why I chose them. Congrats to those who made the cut, and a big huge thank you to everyone who entered! Honestly, you made it incredibly hard to pick and choose... but here are the first three!

I might have been a little biased with this pick, as I almost chose this room as my own inspiration, but I loved Sarah's take on it. Each piece is simple, elegant, chic, and original. The dresses are stunning and luxurious, while other elements are kept more traditional, creating a beautiful balance. Her interpretation of the room was spot on in my opinion!

This board was so fun I had to choose it as a finalist! I named it 'Queen of Hearts' for her, because it reminds me a bit of Alice in Wonderland with its whimsical feel. I also was impressed with how well these images worked together, considering that some are more modern and others quite vintage. I think it's the color scheme and the use of graphics that creates a cohesiveness. Marie took a modern/traditional room and created a really original look that captured many of the elements. Heart!

Something about this board keeps drawing me back, and I think the reason is that it really created a mood for me. It's cool and grey, which makes me think winter or a chilly overcast day ~ not what I would normally associate with a wedding ~ but somehow it works for me. Again, every detail fits perfectly. Perhaps it's the stone church and the wild bouquet, but it seems like a wedding that would take place in English countryside. And, oh the flourishes in the invitations! Gorgeous. I also like that the plum is a subtle addition to the board instead of the focus (which is almost the opposite of the room). Anne ~ you got something goin' on here that I love, and the fact that I can't quite put my finger on it makes me love it even more. Well done!

Now, go help me pick the winner by leaving a comment on your favorite finalist's board on flickr! For resources, please see the flickr pages linked to in the titles.