Once Upon A Time...

There was a little girl (ok, she was probably in jr. high), who loved loved loved weddings. She used her allowance to purchase Martha Stewarts. She tore out pages and piled them in a box. And when that little girl got a little older, she started a notebook...

She collected her favorites together for her own 'someday', with lots of gorgeous Vera Wang detailed dresses...

She was inspired by simple tabletops decorated with vintage silver and olive branches that reminded her a bit of her Italian heritage...

And she fell in love with the idea of pale pinks, champagnes and whites after finding this bouquet in (where else) Martha Stewart Weddings.

Then, the little girl grew up. And, while many of her ideas and tastes changed, these three remained the same. So, this week I bring you my own Wedding Week ~ rooted in these three simple inspirations that have grown into so much more! I've asked three very special bloggers to be a part of this week, as well as two of my best friends. And, of course I will be sharing with you my Inspiration Board Contests finalists (btw - I will announce the winner next Monday!). It's going to be a beautiful and busy week here at coco+kelley, and I can't wait to share it with all of you!

luv & ciao,