Fly Away Friday

My August Friday posts are dedicated to fantasy vacations. It's rather fun to pick from any destination in the world, but even more fun when you're actually going there!

That's right, I'm finally going on a real live vacation. The pack a bag, board a plane, sit stuffed in a tiny seat with no food for hours type of vacation. The destination isn't necessarily glamours - can you say Delaware and glamorous in the same sentence? I don't think so. But it has all I need - sun, water, dock, wine, screened in porch and stacks of books all thousands of miles away from my office.

I don't have any pictures (I promise to post some upon my return) but Tom Felicia's lake house can give you the general idea.

all photos via domino mag

I'll likely have spotty and purposefully limited access to my computer so I may stop by but won't be back until next week. Have a good one my dears!