Fly Away Friday

This week's trip is a fantasy realized. I promised I'd share a bit of my jaunt to the eastern shore that I took with the s.o. last week.  We had a wonderful week packed full of family and friends. We survived the onslaught of socializing by kayaking with dolphins, devouring books (and the first of the fall fashion mags!) and lounging at the beach. Words can't really do the idyllic setting justice so I'll just show you what I'm taking about.

Welcome to the classic east coast beach house my uncle's family owns.

Complete with stone fireplace and stuffed animal moose head above the mantel.

The resident housecat, Tuesday, tucked in his arm chair

Dock + teeny tiny sailboat (almost swamped by 5 people - luckily the water was only 5 ft deep!)

and the most beautiful sunsets you've ever seen.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!