My Favorite Season...

Is hat season.

From the Dorthy Lee Fall collection.

I absolutely love hats. Especially in the fall.

photography by corrie bond.

And especially with shades of aubergine. (My new favorite word, aubergine. It sounds so much better than purple.)

Plus it's always so fabulously in style to have a quirky hat. Wouldn't you agree?

In fact if you have a photo of you in a favorite vintage hat, send it to me. Here's my vintage find from last winter in lovely shades of grey...

Me and Erin, out at my favorite neighborhood spot on Queen Anne. Not the best photo of it, but I couldn't even bring it home from Seattle (afraid it would get crushed!) so this will have to do. There is some sweet detail on the side that you can't see here, plus a vintage hat pin.

Anyone else? (Annie! I know you have some!!)